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Name - Amazon river dolphin  (Inia geoffrensis)


Description – The Amazon River dolphin is the largest species of river dolphin and is in the toothed whale family. They are also called the boto, bufeo or the pink river dolphin. They have a pale grey or blue and white body and some have a pinkish color (most prominent in males). The pink color is still a mystery but is believe to be due to their capillaries being close to their skin.

The males can weigh up to 400 pound and can be over 8 feet long. The females tend to be much smaller. (Sexual dimorphism– males are bigger than females 16- 55% bigger, which is usually opposite in aquatic mammals.)  They use echolocation to find their way around in the murky river water.  They have very flexible bodies and unfused vertebrate which allow them to move freely and turn their heads. They have a short but long dorsal fin and a long thin snout.


Food – Amazon River dolphins have a wide ranging diet including fish, turtles, and crabs.


Habitat – The Amazon River Dolphin is found in the Orinoco and Amazon River basins in South America. During wetter seasons their habitat is extended into forested areas.


Family – These dolphins are usually found in groups of two or three. They are not shy around people and have been known as friendly, and love to play underwater. Babies are born between May and June, and they usually stay with their moms for two to three years.



Threat to Survival –Because the Amazon River Dolphin lives in murky rivers, it is difficult to know how many of the species exist. They are caught and killed for fish bait and also get trapped in fishing nets. Fisherman also kill them because of competition for fish. They have been restricted from some of their natural habitat because of dams.  There is also widespread pollution in the Amazon. The dolphin loves to eat catfish, which is a bottom feeder that accumulates mercury poisoning, which bio accumulates when the dolphin eats them and makes them sick.

Dolphin Healthy Snack

*Fun Fact: The Pink River Dolphin is considered to have magical powers by the native people of the Amazon. There are many myths surrounding this creature, including that it can change into a human at night. It is thought that you will have bad luck if you make eye contact with one, and to kill one or eat it's meat you will have even worse luck!

Links to Fun:

Distribution Map of the Amazon River Dolphin's range.

Printable Fact Sheet
Diving Dolphin Craft

Click the dolphin icon to watch a video:

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